Poor eBay Listings? 6 Surefire Ways to Improve Them!

There are many ways you can improve your eBay listings, and it’s easy to just stick to the key principles. Here you’ll find these principles explained in concise detail – use them to improve your eBay store.

#1 – Hook the Prospect

Prospects don’t have time to read much. It’s essential to let them know the key benefits and value-drivers of your product as quickly as possible. At the beginning of your eBay listing, summarise the key unique selling points of your product. Bullet point form is effective

#2 – Keep it Concise

Don’t make prospects have to read more text than necessary to find what they’re looking for! Don’t be verbose, and try to keep your word-count to a minimum. Use bullet points where possible.

#3 – Optimise Page-loading Speeds

You don’t have much time to try to sell to the prospect. Laggy images are the most common cause of slow page-loading speeds. I’d strongly advise compressing your images if you haven’t already, otherwise the prospect may bounce. Watch this video to compress your image sizes by over 20 times in just 2 steps.

And if you use scripts, consider removing them. eBay restricts scripts and they may lag your listings and generally aren’t worth the agro; which is why my free listing template doesn’t use them!

#4 – Make it Mobile-friendly!

This is so important! More prospects shop on their mobiles and tablets, and having a listing that’s mobile-friendly will solidify your conversion rate. As a web developer, this will become more profound over time, which is why my free and pro eBay templates are ‘responsive’. Preview your listings on your mobile phone and see what they look like.

#5 – Use Imagery to the Max

Sounds obvious, but you’d be surprised just how many sellers don’t include enough or the right images. It’s so annoying whenever I want to buy something and I can’t figure out something like the size of the product or a particular feature due to the lack of images. Include as many images as you can.

You don’t need a good quality camera either – I sold my expensive DSLR and used my smartphone camera in the end after discovering that lighting makes a huge difference. Take a photo of your product outside if possible.

#6 – Include Keyword Iterations

Repeat your primary and secondary keywords a few times in your listing as this tells the eBay search engine that the listing is truly about what you claim it is. It’ll help increase the search engine rankings while reinforcing to prospects that the content is relevant to their needs. But don’t spam!

#7 – Use Variations where Possible

A hidden trick from my own experience showed that including keywords in product variations meant they ranked for those keywords in the search results. This helped me gain so much traffic in a subtle way that many of my competitors didn’t realise! If you couldn’t include some keywords in your listing title, try placing them in product variation descriptions and titles, and you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

You might want to see how the pros optimise their eBay listings.

One great 5* book that I found very helpful in my journey was Ian Daniel’s eCommerce Get it Right. He introduces simple ways of optimising sales pages and maximising the amount of revenue from the sale.

Thanks for Reading

I hope you find these tips helpful; they should give you some good ideas to take away to stay ahead of your competitors. Just know that every little bit less efficient your listings are means slightly more costs in lost sales.

Also, why not get a copy of the Free Listing Template or Free eBay Cheat Sheet to discover common eBay mistakes to avoid, and other tips to improve your eBay store.

For those who find this helpful, please share this page so that others can benefit.

Cheers – Good Luck.


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